Sakeshwar Gramin Vikas Seva Sanstha’s


Approved by AICTE New Delhi| Recognized By Government of Maharashtra DTE and Affiliated to SPPU, Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified

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Sakeshwar Gramin Vikas Seva Sanstha’s


Approved by AICTE New Delhi| Recognized By Government of Maharashtra DTE and Affiliated to SPPU, Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Sr.No.Committee Members Current DesignationRole
1Mr. Adsul A MChairman, SGVSSChairman
2Mrs. Adsul V MVice-Chairman, SGVSSVice-Chairman
3Mrs. Adsul L ASecretary, SGVSSSecretary
4Mr. Adsul P MTreasurer, SGVSSMember
5Mrs. Thube KalpanaNominated by SanthaMember
6Mr. Singh AjeetNominated by WRO AICTE Reg.Off.Member (AICTE-WRO)
7Dr. Pawar Prafulla A.Nominated by SPPU,PuneMember (SPPU,Pune)
8Dr. Goraksh V. GarjeNominated by Director,DTE, MumbaiMember (RO-DTE)
9Mr. Rajesh D. KalaseIndustrialistMember
10Dr. Jadhav R SEducationalistMember
11Dr. Adokar D UHOD & Asso. Prof.E&TC Engg.ATCMember
12Mr. Gaikwad S AHOD & Asst. Prof. Mech Engg.ATCMember
13Dr. Jadhav H BHOD & Asso. Prof. (Comp )Member
14Mr. Daule A DHOD & Asst. Prof. (Civil )Member
15Dr. Kamble V VHOD & Asso. Prof. (MBA)Member
16Dr. Patil Pradeep MPrincipal, ATCMember Secretary
Sr.NoDesignation in IQACNamePresent Affiliation
1ChairmanDr. Patil P. M.Principal, ATC
2Management MemberMr.Adsul V. M.Vice-Chairman, SGVSS
3Dean AdministrationProf.Jadhav K. PDean, Administration
4MemberDr.Jadhav H. B.Asso. Prof. & HOD Computer
5MemberDr.Shirsath G. B.Asso. Prof. & HOD Mechanical
6MemberDr.Kamble V. V.Asso. Prof. & HOD MBA.
7MemberDr. Jain D.P.Professor, MBA
8Parent RepresentativeMr. Karbhari Parashram KurheMember
9Nominee from local StudentsMr.Shravan BhosaleStudent
10Nominee from local AluminiMr.Jadhav Pravin L.Alumini
11Nominee from local SocietyMr.Gavkhare AppasahebParents Representative
12Nominee from IndustryMr.Sapre D.R.Owner, Shriram Enterprises
13Nominee from EmployerMr. Rahul PatilManager,Ford India Ltd.
14IQAC CoordinatorDr.Adokar D. U.Asso. Prof. & HOD Electrical.
Objectives of the IQAC
  1. The IQAC of the College is constituted to achieve the following objectives:
  2. To develop and progress a heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards creation, sustenance and enhancement of quality and facilitate internalization of the quality culture permeating every sphere of the Institution.
  3. To facilitate the integration of the various activities of the institution and institutionalize the best practices.
  4. To provide a sound basis for decision making imbibing all the dimensions of service quality to improve institutional functioning.
  5. To act as a change agent in the Institution.
  6. To coordinate and improve internal communication to facilitate greater policy implementation and quality assurance towards its stakeholder.

Academic Monitoring Committee (AMC)

Following staff members are hereby appointed and entrusted to work for Academic Monitoring Committee (AMC) with immediate effect till the academic year 2023-24.

It is expected that each member shows the great degree of leadership, team management, initiative and creativity, with highest degree of priority to this work.

Sr.NoName of the MemberDesignation & DepartmentRole
1Dr. H. B. JadhavDean AcademicsChairperson
2Ms. P. B. ChandaneAsst. Professor, Computer DepartmentMember
3Mrs. K. B. ShirsathAsst. Professor, Civil DepartmentMember
4Mr. H. K. BhangaleAsst. Professor, E&TC DepartmentMember
5Mrs. H. R. ShindeAsst. Professor, Electrical DepartmentMember
6Mr. N. V. AthwaleAsst. Professor, Mechanical DepartmentMember
7Mr. V. R. BhabadAsst. Professor, FE DepartmentMember
8 Dr. A. V. AhiwaleProfessor, MBA DepartmentMember

Academic Monitoring Committee (AMC)

Following staff members are hereby appointed and entrusted to work for Academic Monitoring Committee (AMC) with immediate effect till the academic year 2023-24.

It is expected that each member shows the great degree of leadership, team management, initiative and creativity, with highest degree of priority to this work.

Sr.NoName of the MemberDesignation & DepartmentRole
1Dr. H. B. JadhavDean AcademicsChairperson
2Ms. P. B. ChandaneAsst. Professor, Computer DepartmentMember
3Mrs. K. B. ShirsathAsst. Professor, Civil DepartmentMember
4Mr. H. K. BhangaleAsst. Professor, E&TC DepartmentMember
5Mrs. H. R. ShindeAsst. Professor, Electrical DepartmentMember
6Mr. N. V. AthwaleAsst. Professor, Mechanical DepartmentMember
7Mr. V. R. BhabadAsst. Professor, FE DepartmentMember
8 Dr. A. V. AhiwaleProfessor, MBA DepartmentMember
Sr.NoName of StaffPostDepartment
1Dr. Yadav D.MChairmanAdministration
2Prof. Ghodke A.PDean AcademicsCivil
3Prof. Karale S.A.MemberCivil
4Prof. Shejwal C.KMemberElectrical
5Dr. Tambe S.NMemberIT
6Prof. Prof. Kurhe P.VMemberComputer
7Prof. Aher S.SMemberMechanical
8Prof. Dharam S.AMemberApp. Science
9Prof. Manekar A.VMemberMBA
Role & Responsibilities of the Research Committee

1. To create a conducive environment for promotion of Research & Innovation activities in the institute.
2. To encourage faculty members to apply for Major, Minor Research Projects, Incubation, Design and innovation Centres.
3. To ensure smooth functioning and effective Management of Research & Innovation activities at the institute.
4. To promote collaborative research.
5. To strengthen industry – institute interaction by promoting consultancy, testing and need based research & innovation activities in the institute.  

S. N.Committee MembersDesignationAppointed As
1Prof. Berad S TAsst. ProfessorChairman
2Prof. Hingonikar S AAsst. ProfessorMember Secretary
3Prof.Daule AnilAsst.ProfessorMember
4Prof. Mahajan J.R.Asst ProfessorMember
5Mr. Pawar DilipParents RepresentiveMember
6Mr.Sonawane Vaibhav JStudent RepresentiveMember
7Mr.Bhose SantoshAdvocateMember
8Mr.Raikar N.C.PoliceMember
9Mr.Myana RajendraLocal MediaMember
10Prof. Kasar GirishAsst.ProfessorMember
11Mr. Jadhav K PVice-PrincipalMember
12Mr. Pawar DilipParent RepresentativeMember
13Mr. Sonawane Vaibhav JStudent RepresentativeMember
14Ms. Pawar Pooja DStudent RepresentativeMember
15Mr. Jaware A RAsst. Prof (Mech)Member
S. N.Committee MembersDesignationAppointed As
7Mrs. Chede S SLibrarianMember
8Mr. Jadhav P BSecurityMember
9Mr. Holkar D RSecurityMember
10Mr. Shimpi J.KAsst Prof MechMember Secretary
The objectives of the committee is as follows
  1. To root out ragging in all its forms from Adsul’s Technical Campus, Chas Ahmednagar by prohibiting it by laws.
  2. Preventing its occurrences by following the provisions of these regulations and punishing those who include in ragging.
  3. In charge should report to the undersigned.
Sr.NoName of StaffCurrent DesignationRole
1Prof. Daule A.DAsst. ProfessorCEO
2Prof. Jaware A. R.Asst. ProfessorInt. Senior Supervisor
3Prof. Gawale P.B.Asst. ProfessorInt. Senior Supervisor
4Prof. More A.V.Asst. ProfessorInt. Senior Supervisor
5Prof. Ahiwale A.A.Asst. ProfessorInt. Senior Supervisor
6Mrs. Patil S.ClerkExam Clerk
7Mr. Yenare R.PeonPeon
Sr.NoName of StaffCurrent DesignationRole
1Prof. Shelake U.B.Asst. ProfessorWebsite Head
2Prof. Kadam P.S.Asst. ProfessorMember
3Prof. Shahane M.S.Asst. ProfessorMember
4Prof. Shinde H.R.Asst. ProfessorMember
5Prof. Athawale N.V.Asst. ProfessorMember
6Prof. Ahiwale A.A.Asst. ProfessorMember
7Prof. Waman P.S.Asst. ProfessorMember
Sr.NoNo. Committee Member NameCurrent DesignationRole
1Dr. Pradeep M PatilPrincipalChairperson
2Mr. Gunjal N.LAsst. Prof. (Mech)Member
3Mrs. Darekar S.VAsst. Prof. (Comp)Member
4Mrs. Narode S.VAsst. Prof. (E&TC)Member
5Mr. Jadhav K PVice-PrincipalMember
6Mr. Sonawane Vaibhav JStudent RepresentativeMember
7Ms. Pawar Pooja DStudent RepresentativeMember
8Mr. More A VAsst. Prof. CivilMember Secretary
Sr.NoDesignation in IQACNamePresent Affiliation
1ChairmanDr. Patil P. M.Principal, ATC
2Management MemberMr.Adsul V. M.Vice-Chairman, SGVSS
3Dean AdministrationProf.Jadhav K. PDean, Administration
4MemberDr.Jadhav H. B.Asso. Prof. & HOD Computer
5MemberDr.Shirsath G. B.Asso. Prof. & HOD Mechanical
6MemberDr.Kamble V. V.Asso. Prof. & HOD MBA.
7MemberDr. Jain D.P.Professor, MBA
8Parent RepresentativeMr. Karbhari Parashram KurheMember
9Nominee from local StudentsMr.Shravan BhosaleStudent
10Nominee from local AluminiMr.Jadhav Pravin L.Alumini
11Nominee from local SocietyMr.Gavkhare AppasahebParents Representative
12Nominee from IndustryMr.Sapre D.R.Owner, Shriram Enterprises
13Nominee from EmployerMr. Rahul PatilManager,Ford India Ltd.
14IQAC CoordinatorDr.Adokar D. U.Asso. Prof. & HOD Electrical.
Sr.No.Committee Member NameCurrent DesignationRole
1Prof. More A VAsst Prof.Chairman
2Prof. Gawale P.B.Asst ProfMember Secretary
3Dr.Kambale V.V.Asst ProfRepresentative Of ST
4Prof. Kale S YAsst ProfRepresentative Of Sc
6Ms.Pawar K.S.ClerkNon- Teaching Representative


  1. A committee for Prevention and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of women at work place.
  2. This Committee works for women’s & girl student’s grievances in case of any complaint received.


  1. Awareness of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) trough website, prospectus, brochures, Board in college campus.
  2. Awareness of Gender sensitivity in college campus.
  3. Conduction of programs concerning women’s welfare.
  4. Deal with the cases of Gender discrimination/Sexual Harassment.
  5. Committee in charge should conduct the meeting regularly and report to the undersigned.
Please fill the form below in the case of any complaint
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Full Name
Sr. No.Name of MemberDesignation & DepartmentPost
1Prof. Ahiwale A. V.Assistant Professor, MBAHead Incharge
2Prof. Waman P. S.Assistant Professor, FE Engg.Member
3Prof. Mahajan J. R.Assistant Professor,
Computer Engg.
4Prof. Jaware A. R.Assistant Professor, FE Engg.Member

This Committee shall be functioning for  the following objectives:

  1. To implement, monitor and evaluate continuously the Reservation Policy in the Institute (if any applicable).
  2. To take necessary steps of measuring for ensuring effective implementation of the policy & Programmes/schemes of the State and Central Govt. for SC-ST, if any.
  3. To ensure the Prevention of Atrocities (as defined within the meaning of this Act) on the SC, ST Staff, Faculty and Students.
  4. To ensure the equal opportunity in matters of employment/promotions subject to fulfilling Qualification, Eligibility criteria and Merits.
  5. To hear and resolve the issues/complaints if any; of such nature of Atrocity reported/complained.
  6. To conduct the inquiries on the reported & complained issues and to aid and advice the Director & the Management of the Institute in this regard for the justice and smooth functioning of the Institute

Code Of Conduct


Service Rules & Regulations

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