Sakeshwar Gramin Vikas Seva Sanstha’s


Approved by AICTE New Delhi| Recognized By Government of Maharashtra DTE and Affiliated to SPPU, Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified

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Sakeshwar Gramin Vikas Seva Sanstha’s


Approved by AICTE New Delhi| Recognized By Government of Maharashtra DTE and Affiliated to SPPU, Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Dr. V.V. Kamble
Associate Professor and Head
Department of MBA
Ph.D, MBA (Marketing)
Mob:- +91 8551004949

The MBA department offers a broad core curriculum, as well as a constant focus on creativity and 

entrepreneurship to distinguish our students in a competitive market. Specialization offered:
1. Marketing Management (MKT).
2. Financial Management (FIN).
3. Human Resources Management (HR).
4. Operations & Supply Chain Management (OSCM).
5. Business Analytics (BA)
We continue to play a leading role in our discipline which leads us towards creating innovative and effective professional graduate community which would vivacious and provide continuous learning. Our focus is to continuously increase the impact of corporate connect and alumni interaction for sharing their corporate experience with the students and bring industry to the classroom. I am extremely happy to be associated with this department. I thank our management, researchers, teachers, alumni and students for their continuous support and cooperation.
I welcome the students and wish them all the best for their future.


To impart value-based education by keeping a strong focus on social commitment, ethical integrity, and respect for national interest among the student fraternity

M1: To impart quality education and build a strong cadre of professional managers to participate in nation building.
M2: To impart professional management skills by participating in seminars, conferences, regular formal training in group discussions, enhancing soft skills, participative skills and team work etc.
M3: To emphasize on various national programs viz. make in India, Startup India, Stand-up India, Digital India, Skill India, working of Mudra Banks and other similar program/schemes offered by Government of India in the economic sphere of activities.
M4: To emphasize on promotion of marketing strategies, brand management, advertising and sales policies, customer relationship, etc.

Program Outcome(PO)

PO-01: Generic and Domain Knowledge – Ability to articulate, illustrate, analyze, synthesize and apply the knowledge of principles and frameworks of management and allied domains to the solutions of real-world complex business issues.

PO-02: Problem Solving & Innovation – Ability to Identify, formulate and provide innovative solution frameworks to real world complex business and social problems by systematically applying modern quantitative and qualitative problem solving tools and techniques.

PO-03: Critical Thinking – Ability to conduct investigation of multidimensional business problems using research based knowledge and research methods to arrive at data driven decisions.

PO-04: Effective Communication – Ability to effectively communicate in cross-cultural settings, in technology mediated environments, especially in the business context and with society at large.

PO-05: Leadership and Team Work – Ability to collaborate in an organizational context and across organizational boundaries and lead themselves and others in the achievement of organizational goals and optimize outcomes for all stakeholders.

PO-06: Global Orientation and Cross-Cultural Appreciation- Ability to approach any relevant business issues from a global perspective and exhibit an appreciation of Cross Cultural aspects of business and management.

PO-07: Entrepreneurship – Ability to identify entrepreneurial opportunities and leverage managerial & leadership skills for founding, leading & managing start-ups as well as professionalizing and growing family businesses.

PO-08: Environment and Sustainability – Ability to demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development and assess the impact of managerial decisions and business priorities on the societal, economic and environmental aspects.

PO-09: Social Responsiveness and Ethics – Ability to exhibit a broad appreciation of the ethical and value underpinnings of managerial choices in a political, cross-cultural, globalized, digitized, socio-economic environment and distinguish between ethical and unethical behaviors & act with integrity.

PO-10: Life Long Learning – Ability to operate independently in new environment, acquire new knowledge and skills and assimilate them into the internalized knowledge and skills.

PSO1: An ability to apply knowledge, skills and right attitude necessary to provide effective leadership in a global environment.

PSO2: An ability to develop competent management professionals with strong ethical values, capable of assuming a pivotal role in various sectors of the Indian Economy & Society, aligned with the national priorities.

PEO-01:Graduates of the MBA program will successfully integrate core, cross- functional and inter-disciplinary aspects of management theories, models and frameworks with the real world practices and the sector specific nuances to provide solutions to real world business, policy and social issues in a dynamic and complex world.

PEO-02: Graduates of the MBA program will possess excellent communication skills, excel in cross-functional, multidisciplinary, multi-cultural teams, and have an appreciation for local, domestic and global contexts so as to manage continuity, change, risk, ambiguity and complexity.

PEO-03: Graduates of the MBA program will be appreciative of the significance of Indian ethos and values in managerial decision making and exhibit value centered leadership.

PEO-04: Graduates of the MBA program will be ready to engage in successful career pursuits covering a broad spectrum of areas in corporate, non- profit organizations, public policy, entrepreneurial ventures and engage in lifelong learning.

PEO-05: Graduates of the MBA program will be recognized in their chosen fields for their managerial competence, creativity & innovation, integrity & sensitivity to local and global issues of social relevance and earn the trust & respect of others as inspiring, effective and ethical leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs and change agents.

Sr. N.NameDesignationQualiicationExperience in YrsEmail idContact No.Resume
1Dr. Kamble V. V.HoD & Associate ProfessorPh. D.11kamblevishvajit@gmail.com8551004949
2Dr. Jain D. P.Associate ProfessorPh. D.()30dp_jain@yahoo.com8329108144
3Prof. Ahiwale A. V.Associate ProfessorMMS, MCM, B.Sc.21ahiwale111@gmail.com7020694792
4Prof. Gawale P. B.Assistant ProfessorMBA, BE18pradipgawle2811@gmail.com9975173416
5Prof. Naik G. R.Assistant ProfessorMBA, BBA5gajanannaik89@gmail.com7709506468
6Prof. Kandare P. V.Assistant ProfessorMBA, B.Com7sweethoney20312@gmail.com9145033844
7Prof. Pawale M. D.Assistant ProfessorMBA. BE3manohardpawale@gmail.com9921429254
8Prof. Kulkarni A. A.Assistant ProfessorMBA, B.Com0ashukulkarni95@gmail.com9588450843
9Prof. Pawar G. A.Assistant ProfessorMBA ,B.com0gauravpawar21082000@gmail.com7420805445
10Dr. PANTAWANE N.G.Associate ProfessorPh. D., MBA ,B.com16dr.nivedita2021@gmail.com9130491094
11Dr. PAKHALE K. D.Associate ProfessorPh. D., MBA ,B.com12pakhalekishor@gmail.com9860676753
12Dr. THORAT S.H.Associate ProfessorPh. D., MBA ,B.com27sanjuthorat1968@gmail.com9767579173
13Dr. MIRZA R. BAIGAssociate ProfessorPh.D,MBA,B.sc6mbarahat@gmail.com9096736328
14Dr. BOBADE P.Associate ProfessorPh.D,MBA,BCA14priyanka.2bobade@gmail.com9762261588
15Dr. EKHANDE K.K.Associate ProfessorPh.D,MBA,B.sc15ekhandkirtikumar@gmail.com9921966159
16Prof. LANDE Y.B.Assistant ProfessorMBA ,B.sc10yogitalande10@gmail.com99752 89123
17Prof. REDKAR A.A.Assistant ProfessorMBA ,B.com10aredkar@gmail.com9923378629
18Prof. KHILE A.B.Assistant ProfessorMBA ,B.Sc12arjunkhile@rediffmail.com9850909873
19Prof.BAMBERE Y.N.Assistant ProfessorMBA ,B.A.6bambareyash2010@gmail.com9404979777
20Prof. ADSUL A.M.Assistant ProfessorMBA ,B.sc26anirudhaadsul@yahoo.com8551004949
21Prof.KOKATE S.C.Assistant ProfessorMBA ,B.Sc2bsupriya118@gmail.com9766707055
22Prof.THORAT S.Assistant ProfessorMBA ,BCA6swatithorat@gmail.com8010035721
23Prof. JAGTAP B.K.Assistant ProfessorMBA ,B.com4bhagyashreejagtap@gmail.com9665152920
24SONALI BENDREAssistant ProfessorMBA, BCA2sonalibendre504@gmail.com9284944311
25BHANGADE VANDANA KISHORAssistant ProfessorMBA ,BCA4vandanajape00@gmail.com8668656139
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