Sakeshwar Gramin Vikas Seva Sanstha’s


Approved by AICTE New Delhi| Recognized By Government of Maharashtra DTE and Affiliated to SPPU, Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified

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IT Facility

Sakeshwar Gramin Vikas Seva Sanstha’s


Approved by AICTE New Delhi| Recognized By Government of Maharashtra DTE and Affiliated to SPPU, Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified

ATC provides the required IT infrastructure to meet the curricular demand and updates it frequently to provide the overall development of students. In 2022-23, ATC purchased 110 HP desktops (intel i5, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD), 8 HP desktops (intel i5, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, 500GB HDD), 3 HP desktops (intel i5, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD), 72 Dell desktops (intel i5, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD), 8 Dell desktops (intel i5, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, 500GB HDD), 1 Canon 2900 Laser printer and 12 Canon 6030w Laser printers in addition to existing computers and printers. Classrooms have been equipped with LCD projectors and most of them are supported by Wi-Fi/smart classroom facilities. In addition to this, ATC purchased LCD projectors, Scanners, Photo Copying Machines, and Plotters recently. The entire campus is under observation by CCTV cameras monitored at the  central/admin level which is updated recently. ATC has provided a computer centre for student activities and learning during extra-academic activities. This includes an internet facility available through BSNL dedicated leased-line service and Wi-Fi for providing uninterrupted internet connectivity to students and faculty members. The bandwidth of the internet connection in ATC is 80 MBPS and is upgraded based on the requirement to provide quality internet connectivity. All the laboratories in the Institution have been updated at  regular intervals with annual general maintenance and emergency maintenance based on the need to support students, the learning process more flexible and effective. The effective use of open-source software is encouraged as per the guidelines given in the SPPU curriculum.

ATC has various networking devices like IBM Server, Routers provided by DLink, Cisco Gigabit Ethernet switches, etc. ATC has various open-source software needed for academic purposes which include Java, Mysql, C, C++, Python, Postgres, Cisco packet tracer, Wireshark, CLDC wireless toolkit, open GL, Spark, Hadoop, Flash Pro, NS2, Microwind, NetSim, Xilinx ISE, LibreCAD, Pro-E, and apart from basic software like OpenOffice, Tally, etc. ATC has license copies of the Windows Operating System along with open-source operating systems like Ubuntu, and Linux OS. Anti-virus software is installed to provide better security and performance. ATC has a well-equipped Computer lab where faculty members can prepare their video lectures. This has been very useful during the phases of the pandemic. Certain measures have been taken during the year 2020-21, due to the pandemic for ensuring the best teaching practices for students by using virtual labs developed by IITs and online lectures by using various platforms like Zoom, Webex, MS-Teams, Google Meet, etc. The principal’s office, administrative office, Examination cell, Training and Placement Department, HoDs, faculty members, and all departments are well equipped with computer systems, scanners, printers, and Wi-Fi routers with advanced configurations. Enough printers and scanners are available on the campus and are increased as per the requirements. A dedicated team with departmental staff is formed to take care of IT and related needs of the campus software development, hardware and networking maintenance, and Website designing.

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