Sakeshwar Gramin Vikas Seva Sanstha’s


Approved by AICTE New Delhi| Recognized By Government of Maharashtra DTE and Affiliated to SPPU, Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified

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Entrepreneurship Development Cell

Sakeshwar Gramin Vikas Seva Sanstha’s


Approved by AICTE New Delhi| Recognized By Government of Maharashtra DTE and Affiliated to SPPU, Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Entrepreneurship Development Cell

This cell is formed to develop spirit/awareness on entrepreneurship among the students, to develop the advanced skill of creativity and innovative thinking, to empower and inspire students to take initiatives and accept responsibilities to thrive in the challenging world and To become employment creators than seekers.

Committee Convener :– Prof. Ahiwale A. V.

Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC), is initiated to promote entrepreneurship culture among the students by organizing entrepreneurship awareness camps; Business Plan Competition; “face to face” students-to-entrepreneurs programmes; guest lectures by successful entrepreneurs; faculty development programmes, thereby to sensitize the students and faculty members in the college regarding the importance of entrepreneurship in real life, corporate life and economic development of the country.


EDC was set up with a Vision:

 To be a top Entrepreneurship Development Cell and contribute to the economic development of India by stimulating, supporting, and sustaining all the initiatives and endeavors of students, and lead to the setting up of ventures


  • Organize entrepreneurship awareness camps, entrepreneurship development programmes, skill development programmes
  • Organize Business Plan Competitions.
  • Arrange students-to-entrepreneurs “face to face” programmes
  • Initiate innovative student projects for innovative product development
  • Guide and assist potential entrepreneurs in the process of setting up, growing and managing the new venture
  • Arrange guest lectures by successful entrepreneurs and provide a platform for interaction between professional entrepreneurs and student entrepreneurs
  • Mentor student who have business ideas by placing them under the supervision of entrepreneurs, under a mentorship scheme
  • Organize faculty development programmes to sensitize the faculty members in the college regarding the importance of entrepreneurship in real life, corporate life and economic development of the country.
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