Sakeshwar Gramin Vikas Seva Sanstha’s


Approved by AICTE New Delhi| Recognized By Government of Maharashtra DTE and Affiliated to SPPU, Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified

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Faculty Achievements(Civil)

Sakeshwar Gramin Vikas Seva Sanstha’s


Approved by AICTE New Delhi| Recognized By Government of Maharashtra DTE and Affiliated to SPPU, Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified
1Dr. Shirsath G.BPerformance of an air gap membrane distillation system an enhancement using a low cost surface modificationFranics & Taylor
2Dr. Krupatwar B.PTime Patient monitoring through edge computing: An IoT based healthcare architecture.SCI (Scopus Index)
3Dr. Krupatwar B.PTensile Strength of specific specimen determined with UTM (25KN)IJFMR
4Dr. Krupatwar B.PA study statistical analysis of heavu duty diesel engines using 5W50 motor oilIJIEMR
5Dr. Krupatwar B.PRole of lubricants and their degradation for in service oil analysisIJARST
6Dr. Bhagwat V.ADrainage cleaning robotic arm systemsIRJIET
7Dr. Bhagwat V.AEnhancing real time traffic sign detection and recognition using convolutional neural networkIJERSTE
8Mr. Tayade D.RExperimentation & optimization of milling machine parameters using Taguchi methodIPO Publishing
9Mr Tayade D.RHeat exchanger tube analysis by using different surface coatingICRTSET
10Miss. Waghmare A. BExperimental Analysis of coil spring of motorcycle suspension by using different materialIJOSE&T
11Miss. Zanjad S.VDesign ,Analysis of LED fins by using different shape for industrial used LEDIRJET
12Mr Athawale N.VDesign & Development of magnetic transmission system: A prototype ApproachIJARSCT
13Mrs. Urmila NagargojeAlcohol detection robotic carIJARSCT
14Mr. Abhishek JawareThe tribological properties of PTEF composites filled with carbon fibre, MOS2, Bronz ReinforcementIJARSCT
15Mr. Amol GhuleDesign & Development of Vertical axis wind turbineIJARSCT
16Mr. Abhishek JawareDevelopment of automatic solar tracking systemIJARSCT
17Mr. Gosavi R.BDesign & development of speed breaker detection & automatic speed control system in 4-wheelerIJARSCT
18Mrs. U. S. NgargojeDevelopment of accident preventive flexible bumperIJARSCT
19Mr Athawale N.VDevelopment of solar operated wireless electric vehicle charging systemIJARSCT
20Mr. Katore S.S.Review on tribological properties of hybrid nano particle additives as engine lubricantsDICKENSIAN JOURNAL
21Mr. Jaware A.RDesign & Manufacturing of Compound DieIJARSET
22Mr. Jaware A.RAutomated Solar Panel Cleaning SystemIJCRT
23Mr. Gaikwad S.AElectricity Generation by using wasteIRJMETS
24Mr. Jaware A.RDevelopment of Enhance Fire Suppression & Live Surveillances Robot: Lora Flame GuardIJARSCT
25Mr. Patil M.PDesign & Analysis of tensile strength for similar plate with F.E.A when lap welded joint is usedIJRPR
26Dr. Bhagwat V.ANBA Accreditation & teaching & learning in Engineering (NATE)NPTEL-AICTE
27Mr. D.R.TayadeManufacturing Process Technology-I&IINPTEL-AICTE
28Dr. Krupatwar B.PArtificial intelligence based prediction system to predict stock market index price & crypto currency closing price using machine learning algorithmsPatent
29Dr. Bhagwat V.AIOT based automated pills dispenserPatent
30Mr. Jaware A.RSmart Voice Assisted learning device for visually impaired stuentsPatent
31Dr. Bhagwat V.APortable Solar Powered Water Purifier regPatent
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