Sakeshwar Gramin Vikas Seva Sanstha’s
Approved by AICTE New Delhi| Recognized By Government of Maharashtra DTE and Affiliated to SPPU, Pune
Accredited by NAAC with B++, ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Home » Faculty Achievements(Civil)
1 | Dr. Shirsath G.B | Performance of an air gap membrane distillation system an enhancement using a low cost surface modification | Franics & Taylor |
2 | Dr. Krupatwar B.P | Time Patient monitoring through edge computing: An IoT based healthcare architecture. | SCI (Scopus Index) |
3 | Dr. Krupatwar B.P | Tensile Strength of specific specimen determined with UTM (25KN) | IJFMR |
4 | Dr. Krupatwar B.P | A study statistical analysis of heavu duty diesel engines using 5W50 motor oil | IJIEMR |
5 | Dr. Krupatwar B.P | Role of lubricants and their degradation for in service oil analysis | IJARST |
6 | Dr. Bhagwat V.A | Drainage cleaning robotic arm systems | IRJIET |
7 | Dr. Bhagwat V.A | Enhancing real time traffic sign detection and recognition using convolutional neural network | IJERSTE |
8 | Mr. Tayade D.R | Experimentation & optimization of milling machine parameters using Taguchi method | IPO Publishing |
9 | Mr Tayade D.R | Heat exchanger tube analysis by using different surface coating | ICRTSET |
10 | Miss. Waghmare A. B | Experimental Analysis of coil spring of motorcycle suspension by using different material | IJOSE&T |
11 | Miss. Zanjad S.V | Design ,Analysis of LED fins by using different shape for industrial used LED | IRJET |
12 | Mr Athawale N.V | Design & Development of magnetic transmission system: A prototype Approach | IJARSCT |
13 | Mrs. Urmila Nagargoje | Alcohol detection robotic car | IJARSCT |
14 | Mr. Abhishek Jaware | The tribological properties of PTEF composites filled with carbon fibre, MOS2, Bronz Reinforcement | IJARSCT |
15 | Mr. Amol Ghule | Design & Development of Vertical axis wind turbine | IJARSCT |
16 | Mr. Abhishek Jaware | Development of automatic solar tracking system | IJARSCT |
17 | Mr. Gosavi R.B | Design & development of speed breaker detection & automatic speed control system in 4-wheeler | IJARSCT |
18 | Mrs. U. S. Ngargoje | Development of accident preventive flexible bumper | IJARSCT |
19 | Mr Athawale N.V | Development of solar operated wireless electric vehicle charging system | IJARSCT |
20 | Mr. Katore S.S. | Review on tribological properties of hybrid nano particle additives as engine lubricants | DICKENSIAN JOURNAL |
21 | Mr. Jaware A.R | Design & Manufacturing of Compound Die | IJARSET |
22 | Mr. Jaware A.R | Automated Solar Panel Cleaning System | IJCRT |
23 | Mr. Gaikwad S.A | Electricity Generation by using waste | IRJMETS |
24 | Mr. Jaware A.R | Development of Enhance Fire Suppression & Live Surveillances Robot: Lora Flame Guard | IJARSCT |
25 | Mr. Patil M.P | Design & Analysis of tensile strength for similar plate with F.E.A when lap welded joint is used | IJRPR |
26 | Dr. Bhagwat V.A | NBA Accreditation & teaching & learning in Engineering (NATE) | NPTEL-AICTE |
27 | Mr. D.R.Tayade | Manufacturing Process Technology-I&II | NPTEL-AICTE |
28 | Dr. Krupatwar B.P | Artificial intelligence based prediction system to predict stock market index price & crypto currency closing price using machine learning algorithms | Patent |
29 | Dr. Bhagwat V.A | IOT based automated pills dispenser | Patent |
30 | Mr. Jaware A.R | Smart Voice Assisted learning device for visually impaired stuents | Patent |
31 | Dr. Bhagwat V.A | Portable Solar Powered Water Purifier reg | Patent |